About Biblical Christian Solutions In Government
Biblical Christian Solutions In Government is very similar to Founding Father Alexander Hamilton's Christian Constitutional Society.
Hamilton proposed the society in a letter to James Bayard in April of 1802 1 and, according to author and historian David Barton, Hamilton formed the society 2 to elect people to office who would support the Christian religion, and the US Constitution.
In a similar way our ultimate vision is to engage in education, lobbying, and identifying and supporting candidates who have a Biblical Christian worldview and will understand and apply God's Law and word as the rightful basis of government and law – without which there can be no true justice or society free from oppression.
Biblical Christian Solutions In Government is a Christian religious non-profit association formed under the laws of Nevada, in accordance with NRS 81.700-81.890. We seek to bring about solutions in government that are secured on the rightful foundation of God's Law and word. God himself, as the creator, is the rightful foundation of human institutions and governments. It is God's Law and word that are the source of our rights, the foundation of government, the family, and his church. God holds each of his structures, including government, accountable in this world. In addition, each person will be held accountable to God before his judgment seat in the future. When these structures submit to God authority, law, word, love and justice, and his purpose in this world – as revealed in his word, the Bible - only then will each of these structures, as well as individual people, experience the fulfillment of what they were created by him for. When Government sets its cornerstone on God's Law and word, and encourages citizens to understand God's word and enter a personal relationship with him through Jesus, then government serves the best interests of citizens, and citizens are greater enabled to become law abiding, and to fulfill the best interests of humanity in God, in Jesus Christ.
Biblical Christian Solutions In Government looks to do this through:
Advocating for Biblically shaped sound solutions through education
This includes, but is not limited to, offering education concerning Biblical principles and God's word applied to government, law, justice, administration, public policy, culture, and God's purpose in the world.
Advocating for Biblically shaped sound solutions through lobbying.
This includes, but is not limited to, lobbying and advocating for Biblical principles and Biblically sound solutions, from God's word, in law, public policy, and in culture.
Actively seeking the service of those who would truly serve the people out of a true relationship with God through the Biblical Jesus; who see the world through the view of God's word; who seek God’s word as the authority for life – For real and not just lip service; and who truly recognize it as an honor to serve God, out of love for Him, by serving the people who form the Government of the United States of America (of the people, by the people, and for the people).
This includes, but is not limited to, establishing, sustaining, and developing a movement that identifies candidates for public office who have a Biblical worldview, and are (and will be):
Followers of Jesus Christ that have a Biblical Christian worldview;
Will support, with integrity, the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution; and
Will understand, apply, and support God's law, word (the Bible), and purpose as the rightful foundation for the content of all law, government, justice, and liberty
Note: The association is able to accomplish the service component as a secondary purpose only. In the future we seek to encourage the existence of a sponsored sister organization that will be able to address the service component as a primary purpose.
We believe these are the major key in systematically moving our government and culture toward its rightful foundation on God's Law, God's word, and God's will (being one in the same). It is right for those who know God to be his ambassadors in society (2 Corinthians 5:20). This is true whether it is among the ministry of God in a family, among the ministry of God in the mission of the Church, and among the ministry of God in Government. Advocacy and service in these ways ultimately brings fulfillment to society and people's lives, by placing God's structures on their rightful foundation of his word and purpose of redeeming some from each ethnic group.
This association does not exist without people, like you, who choose to associate for the common goals of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government. Will you consider being a part, making these goals your vision, and of advancing this vision to reality?
To read a Description of the goals, click here
To read the Foundation of the Vision and the Vision of BCSIG, click here
To read about Current Projects, click here
Meet our current general director
Aric Edie studied History and Philosophy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and graduated with a Bachelors degree in History from UNLV. He has worked for UNLV for seventeen years before becoming the general director of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government. Aric's personal interests include Bible Translation issues, history, and advance among the remaining 2,700 Bibleless ethnic groups; the history of Christianity, the Christian movement, and the advancement of God's Kingdom and Mission in and through the followers of Jesus; and he enjoys discussion with, and in the company of, friends. Aric is a committed follower of Jesus Christ - a Christian. He has been involved in, and was encouraged in his own relationship with Jesus through, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. He seeks to trust Jesus in, and with, his life, and as a result looks to apply God's word, as revealed in the Bible, to his own life - by God working in him, and with the help of other followers of Jesus.
End Notes
1 Quoted from: Barton, David, Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, and Religion (Aledo, TX: Wallbuilder Press, 2010), 146: originally quoted from Hamilton, Alexander, The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, edited by Syrett, Harold C. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), Vol. XXV, 605-610, to James Bayard, April 16-21 1802.
2 Quoted from: Barton, David, The Practical Benefits of Christianity (Aledo, TX: Wallbuilder Press, 2001), 9.
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