Pledge Form
Thank You for considering giving. We ask you to consider praying to God about how you may be involved in this movement: through prayer, giving, advocacy, and/or some other way. This pledge form provides a way for you to be a cheerful giver if that is how you determine before the Lord to be involved. We use a pledge system based on a pledge amount between you and God - see the instructions below (click on the light blue instructions title link).
While we seek to communicate our needs, we do not intend for the severity of any need to pressure a person to give, or to give beyond what they determine. We trust that Jesus, that God, will provide the finances needed through his people, and through other friends whom God moves, to bring God's word to bear on the public life, and policy, of America. We believe that when God moves a country to place their trust in him, including in public policy and government, he is able to use the people of that country to take a part in accomplishing his purposes in, and in blessing, the world. God made all things, and where his Word and Law do not prevail, liberty and justice do not exist.
Step | Pledge Form | Gift Form |
1 |
Pray and determine an amount that you would like to pledge.
How the pledge is fulfilled is between you and God (ie. a total pledge amount that you give toward monthly until the amount is fulfilled by faith, a total pledge amount you give as a one time gift, a decision to give monthly). |
Pray and determine an amount that you would like to give.
You also have the option to give monthly as well as a one time gift.
The gift form is for those who want to send a gift directly without making a pledge or using the pledge form. |
2 | When you have determined an amount between you and the Lord, return to this page |
When you have determined an amount between you and the Lord, return to this page and:
3 | Fill out the Pledge Form. | Fill out the Gift Form. |
4 |
If you would like to give monthly, select Yes under Monthly. We will send you a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope (where finances permit).
As a courtesy, if you choose to give monthly and we do not receive a gift during a month, we will send a reminder. After two continuous reminders, one for each month, with no communication from you, we will write the pledge off.
Since the pledge is between you and the Lord, the pledge is fulfilled when you say it is. If for some reason you would like to amend the remaining amount of your pledge or cancel the remaining amount of your pledge, please let us know. |
If you would like to give monthly, check the check-box under Monthly Gift.
If you check the Monthly Gift box, we will send you a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope with your receipt (where finances permit). |
5 |
Submit the pledge form.
We will send you an initial pledge reminder with a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope (where finances permit). |
Print the Form out and send your gift through the mail.
The instructions on addressing your check and your envelope are included in the Gift Form. |
Note: BCSIG does reserve the right to not receive, and/or return a gift if it deems the gift will not be in the best interest of advancing the association's mission, vision, Godly character, or goals. While rare, if it should happen, we look to do this communicating the utmost respect and and greatest thanks to the giver, always looking for ways to partner and be an encouragement.
Biblical Christian Solutions In Government is a Christian religious non-profit association formed under the laws of Nevada, in accordance with NRS 81.700-81.890. At the present time gifts are not being collected for or used in political campaigning. Due to the nature of our work, your gift is not tax-deductible for your income tax purposes.
Our information policy: Your name and email information will be used by BCSIG and possibly by partners of BCSIG. Please let us know if you do not want your name and email information shared with partner organizations. Your giving and pledge information will not be shared and will be kept in confidence, where law allows. Your information will not be sold.
Thank You! Biblical Christian Solutions In Government is a Christian religious non-profit association formed under the laws of Nevada, in accordance with NRS 81.700-81.890. At the present time gifts are not being collected for or used in political campaigning. Due to the nature of our work, your gift is not tax-deductible for your income tax purposes.
Our information policy: Your name and email information will be used by BCSIG and possibly by partners of BCSIG. Please let us know if you do not want your name and email information shared with partner organizations. Your giving and pledge information will not be shared and will be kept in confidence, where law allows. Your information will not be sold.
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