Alliance Defending Freedom
Judicial Web Log Update - RSS
Disclaimer: These resources and links are provided with the understanding that the views expressed by these resources, links, individuals, organizations, ministries, and/or government(s) may or may not reflect the views of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government (BCSIG). The information here may or may not coincide with a straightforward Biblical Christian worldview as revealed in God's Word – the Bible. These resources and links are provided because they may lead to a better understanding of a certain facet of the topic which they address.
Description of ADF: Alliance Defending Freedom, formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, is a servant organization that provides the resources to keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel through the legal defense of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, marriage and the family. ADF has been blessed to take part in defending some of the most significant, precedent-setting cases threatening religious freedom over the past 16 years. By God’s grace, ADF has been successful in more than three out of every four of these cases litigated to conclusion.
Alliance Defending Freedom - Judicial Web Log Update
Delaware unlawfully targets pregnancy centers
Simms Showers, ADF attorneys represent NIFLA, A Door of Hope in suit challenging unconstitutional state law
ADF attorneys send letter to MD school board demanding end to unconstitutional lawfare
Frederick County Board of Education weaponizes Title IX investigation to silence political opposition to unconstitutional school policy
US gov't, 18 states rally in support of South Carolina diverting Medicaid funds from Planned Parenthood
Pro-life advocates, members of Congress also file briefs supporting state agency represented by ADF
CO parents file renewed motion as school district refuses to use single-sex overnight rooming
ADF attorneys add fourth family to lawsuit challenging Jefferson County Public Schools policy that assigns students to overnight accommodations based on 'gender identity,' not sex
Latest News
2015-07-31 01:40
Is It Too Late For Marriage? - Constitutionally Striking Down Abusive Judicial Decisions
Read more … Is It Too Late For Marriage? - Constitutionally Striking Down Abusive Judicial Decisions