Disclaimer: These resources and links are provided with the understanding that the views expressed by these resources, links, individuals, organizations, ministries, and/or government(s) may or may not reflect the views of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government (BCSIG). The information here may or may not coincide with a straightforward Biblical Christian worldview as revealed in God's Word – the Bible. These resources and links are provided because they may lead to a better understanding of a certain facet of the topic which they address.
Alliance Defending Freedom
Alliance Defending Freedom, formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, is a servant organization that provides the resources to keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel through the legal defense of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, marriage and the family. ADF has been blessed to take part in defending some of the most significant, precedent-setting cases threatening religious freedom over the past 16 years. By God’s grace, ADF has been successful in more than three out of every four of these cases litigated to conclusion.
Family Research Council
Since 1983, Family Research Council has advanced faith, family and freedom in public policy and public opinion. FRC promotes these core values through policy research, public education on Capitol Hill and in the media, and grassroots mobilization. FRC reviews legislation, meets with policymakers, publish books and pamphlets, build coalitions, testifies before Congress, and maintains a presence in print and broadcast media. FRC also equips churches to transform the culture through their outreach to pastors.
FRC Action
FRC Action, the legislative action arm of Family Research Council, was founded in 1992 to educate the general public and cultural leaders about traditional American values and to promote the philosophy of the Founding Fathers concerning the nature of ordered liberty. FRC Action is dedicated to preserving and advancing the interests of family, faith, and freedom in the political arena. FRC Action seeks to fortify the traditional foundations of civil society through efforts to educate, inform and influence elected officials in support of the country's historic ideals of equality under the law, and the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on which the nation was founded.
WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built – a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined. WallBuilders takes its name from the book of Nehemiah in the Bible, where Nehemiah similarly led a grassroots movement in his country to rebuild its walls and restore its strength and honor (Nehemiah 2:17). In accord with what was so accurately stated by George Washington, we believe that "the propitious [favorable] smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained." WallBuilders' goal is to exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena.
Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis (AIG) is a ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis - as many who approach the Bible from a materialistic and evolutionary viewpoint have focused their attack on it, trying to cast doubt on the foundations of Christianity, History, and the being of God revealed in Genesis. AIG also trains in developing a biblical worldview, and exposing the assumptions and problems inherent in evolutionary ideas - pointing to the actual scientific study and observations of the real world to show that the Biblical account of order and History answer the exceptions to the rule which evolution can not - confirming the Biblical account.
Institute for Creation Research
For four decades, the Institute for Creation Research has equipped those in Jesus with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework. ICR has been the leader in scientific research from a biblical perspective, conducting innovative laboratory and field research in the major disciplines of science. In addition, ICR also offers a graduate-level degree program in Christian education and apologetics, and a professional certificate program.
Latest News
2015-07-31 01:40
Is It Too Late For Marriage? - Constitutionally Striking Down Abusive Judicial Decisions
Read more … Is It Too Late For Marriage? - Constitutionally Striking Down Abusive Judicial Decisions