Current Projects
To compile, into a convenient format, the discussions and debates that surrounded the amendments to the U.S. Constitution. There are many commentaries by the Founding Fathers - or others who were honest, conscientious, had integrity, and were strong supporters of God's Law and the principles of the Founding Fathers - on the intent and explanation of the meaning of the various sections of the U.S. Constitution. Yet, there is not much available on the principles, intentions, and explanation of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution - in a convenient format - from the debates themselves. For this reason, the amendments themselves have been used to twist the very intentions of God's Law, the intention of the Founding Fathers, and the intention of the U.S. Constitution and amendments themselves. We believe this is a much needed resource to the legal community, judges, legislators, government executive branches, and citizens. We look to publish from time to time selections of the compilation, and when complete we seek to publish the work. This will further the vision and goal of education.
This website is a platform for us to meet a portion of the goal of advocacy and education concerning Biblical principles and God's word applied to government, law, justice, administration, public policy, culture, and God's purpose in the world. We seek to continue development of the website as necessary to meet the goals of advocacy through education - and as we are able, through resources; lobbying, and (as a secondary purpose) service.
Continued development of the association itself; including development of resources, developing relationships with new friends of the association, and encouraging others to be involved. Please feel free to take a part in this work too. Visit the Pray, Give, and Advocacy pages.
Currently we are focusing on education and further development of the association, but as resources are available, we look to develop the lobbying and (as a secondary purpose) service components. While we are not currently able to go forward with the lobbying and service components, these are crucial, and as God provides resources we will move forward in development of these goals.
We seek to develop the service component, as resources permit, by compiling or developing a worldview education program that would work well with potential candidates; tools to seek out potential candidates and weigh their beliefs and actions to determine if they would be a good candidate according to the principles in the Bible, a Biblical worldview, relationship with God through Jesus, the consistency of their life and actions with a relationship with Jesus and the Bible, and our goals; research and information to help support a successful campaign for a candidate; and at a later time to develop resources for such campaigns (at the present time we are not collecting or using finances for contribution to, or campaign support of, a candidate).
Note: The association is able to accomplish the service component as a secondary purpose only. In the future we seek to encourage the existence of a sponsored sister organization that will be able to address the service component as a primary purpose.
Further projects as resources permit.
Latest News
2015-07-31 01:40
Is It Too Late For Marriage? - Constitutionally Striking Down Abusive Judicial Decisions
Read more … Is It Too Late For Marriage? - Constitutionally Striking Down Abusive Judicial Decisions