Advocate For BCSIG
Biblical Christian Solutions in Government (BCSIG) does not exist without you and others like you. People who choose to focus on strategically strengthening government by seeking to place into public office servants who have a Biblical Christian worldview and will apply God's word, as the source of our liberties, to public policy. Seeking also to advance education that equips others to acknowledge God as the rightful foundation and source of liberty. To advocate the principles of God's Word among current elected officials - reminding of the benefits to public life.
Is This Really a Big Deal?: Our current state of affairs makes me sad. Peoples lives do not exist in a vacuum. In a day when people are advancing agendas like trying to normalize sex-abuse and exploitation of minors as healthy (just one of the many destructive examples), we cannot passively allow a materialistic worldview to push, kick, intimidate, and define the world around us in exclusion to the truth and purposes of God. Materialism asks the question “how does the universe exist by material means alone, which can leave no room for a spiritual creator?” When you put on the worldview lenses of Materialism, the result is that there is no ultimate life purpose and there are no absolute moral judgments (and even if there were - a person would not be answerable for it after this life). Among the honest, Materialism is a license for an attempt at getting rid of submitting to God's authority. We can not pretend that public servants who do not submit themselves to God – to Jesus - as the highest authority are going to finally have the public's best interest in mind. That somehow they will understand servant-hood, the kind of servant-hood that Jesus displayed, even though it goes against a self-centered nature which is not directed in light of a final judgment day. That this person who is not interested in submitting their life to God's word would somehow adhere to God's standards of right and wrong, rather than believing that wrong is determined by whether they get caught (or it will hurt their re-election campaign). We can not expect people who do not submit themselves to God and his word to have the characteristics that only come from God's work in a person's life who have a trusting relationship with him. We can not expect religious freedom to remain a liberty in the hands of those who are indifferent to God's word. And why should religious freedom remain a liberty, which is recognized, if people begin to think rights come from another source? Justice is inseparable from the Bible - God's word. Without applying God's word in every facet of life, including public policy, Justice does not exist. Without religious liberty all other liberties fall. If God does not give you liberty, then there are no unalienable rights.
Do You Know Someone Who May Be Interested?
We ask you to consider being a part of this movement? Just as this association does not exist without people like you, we believe there are others who would like to focus their attention on advancing God's purposes through being a part of the accomplishing of the above goals. Do you know a friend or family member that may be interested? Any help you can give in connecting us to those people in your life that may be interested would be great.
Ideas For Advocacy
This page gives some ideas about resources that can be used to advocate for the importance of Biblical Christian solutions in government in order to help meet our common strategic goals.
Idea 1 - Spread The Word: Help publicize through word of mouth and email about the principles of God's word and the importance it has in being applied to society in public debate and policy. Many of the pages on the Biblical Christian Solutions In Government (BCSIG) website have a link at the top to recommend pages you think a friend may be interested in.
Idea 2 - Share A Resource: Share the brochure, description, vision, and website address of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government (BCSIG), and share either the suggested CD America's Godly Heritage (Parts 1 and 2) or the suggested DVD A Nation Adrift. Descriptions and links for purchase are below for those interested.
Powerful Resources: These resources are powerful eye openers about the importance of God's word as the foundation of government and liberty, and also highlights how as our nation has moved away from God's word it has resulted in the very abuses we currently see in government, in society, and in injustice. In addition these two resources make the point in a broad way that though God changes a human heart, legislation that is founded upon God's word is necessary to an open environment toward God's word, and also is necessary to maintain liberty and justice. Very similarly to the reason why parents “legislate morality” among their children. Of course the desire is that the child would eventually see the wisdom of God's word and accept it for themselves. In the mean time the loving parent realizes that there is also a need to provide right boundaries which allow the child to see and experience that wisdom so they may have an open heart to consider choosing whether God's word will guide their lives. To illustrate: Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can sure keep him from lynching me, and I think that is pretty important. When good laws are instituted, it not only provides fulfilling boundaries for justice and liberty in society, it not only keeps the doors open for the gospel and religious liberty, it also enables hearts to have the right environment to consider the gospel of Jesus. These resources can help show in a powerful way that righteousness does exalt a nation and leave a person desiring to make a positive change.
Idea 3 - An Event: Very similar to the above suggestion, organize a "movie and dessert night" to advocate for Biblical Christian Solutions In Government (BCSIG). Maybe explain a little bit about BCSIG during dessert, watch the A Nation Adrift DVD, and maybe have a few minutes to discuss impressions of the film and the current state of affairs in America. Share any further information, and any printed information, including the website address for BCSIG for those who would want to be involved through prayer, giving, advocating, or in some other possible way.
Interested in Listing on the Official Event Calendar?:
If you do organize an event for advocacy and would like us to list it on the official event calendar that can be a possibility. Please use the contact form to let us know. For safety purposes, if we do not know you personally, we will need (only needed if you would like to be listed on the official event calendar):
- Full event information.
- Two reference contacts that are not family who can vouch for your character.
- For your safety, you will need to have another person you know at the event as a co-host.
- We will also recommend on the event calendar, for safety purposes, that participants not come to an event listed on the calendar alone.
- We reserve the right to not list an event on the official calendar at our own discretion.
Idea 4 - Your Idea?: Your Idea. Also, let us know if you have any further creative ideas about advocacy that you feel others may be interested in trying.
Thank You
We Thank You and appreciate any advocacy that you do on behalf of Biblical Christian Solutions in Government. There is no true association of people banded together around this common purpose without people like you. Unfortunately at the present time we are not able to provide you with a copy of the CD and DVD resources listed above to use, but we can provide you with links to read more about these resources as well as for those who would like to purchase the resources.
Disclaimer: These resources and links are provided with the understanding that the views expressed by these resources, links, individuals, and/or organizations (including advertisements) may or may not reflect the views of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government (BCSIG). The information from these may or may not coincide with a straightforward Biblical Christian worldview as revealed in God's Word – the Bible. These resources and links are provided because they may lead to a better understanding of a certain facet of the topic which they address.
Description of America's Godly Heritage CD (Parts 1 and 2)
America's Godly Heritage clearly sets forth the beliefs of many famous Founding Fathers concerning the proper role of Christian principles in education, government, and the public affairs of the nation. The beliefs of Founders such as Patrick Henry, John Quincy Adams, John Jay, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Mason, and many others are clearly presented. America's Godly Heritage also provides excerpts from court cases showing that for 160 years under the Constitution, Christian principles were officially and legally inseparable from American public life. The booklet and DVD by the same title graphically display statistics showing what has happened to America since the courts have begun rejecting the Founders' beliefs.
This CD is an excellent primer for those who want to know more about what was intended for America by the Founders and what can be done to return America to its original guiding philosophy. It's ideal to share with home gatherings, church groups, and Sunday school classes, or to use as a history supplement for children or schools. Each CD can stand alone.
Note: The first CD is a professional recording of the America's Godly Heritage DVD. The second CD is a dynamic talk given in front of a live audience.
Click Here to Purchase America's Godly Heritage (Parts 1 and 2)
Description of A Nation Adrift DVD
This is the true story of how God's sovereign hand guided the founders of America. It takes you on a journey...from Christopher Columbus to Jamestown...from Valley Forge to the Constitutional Convention...from the Civil War to the Stock Market Crash...from FDR to the present. The result of this journey will give us a better understanding of where America is today, how she arrived here, and where she must turn at this critical hour. For as Thomas Jefferson once asked, "Can the liberties of a nation be secure, when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?"
Click Here to Read More about A Nation Adrift from World Net Daily
Click Here to Purchase A Nation Adrift from
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