I appreciate what David Wells, from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, says in making the point about the nature of how to pray, and the power of prayer, according to Jesus in Luke 18. He says:
“What, then, is the nature of petitionary prayer? It is, in essence, rebellion – rebellion against the world in its fallenness, the absolute and undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal.... Nothing destroys petitionary prayer... as quickly as resignation. 'At all times,' Jesus declared, 'we should pray' and not 'lose heart,' thereby acquiescing to what is (Luke 18:1).”
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader, Third Edition, edited by Winter, Ralph and Hawthorne, Steven (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1999), 143. Originally quoted from Wells, David, Prayer: Rebelling Against the Status Quo, “Christianity Today,” Vol. XVII (17), No. 6, November 2 1979.
Prayer is to communicate with the God of the universe - who personally hears you - to ask him to intervene in circumstances that affect this world, people (us and others), and his Kingdom in order to ask that he extend his character, saving grace, love, mercy, and justice. God is the unforeseen factor to those who do not believe in him - he frustrates the plans of those who stand against him, for his own purposes (Nehemiah 4:15, Psalms 146:9).
We ask that you might consider praying for Biblical Christian Solutions In Government. Would you be willing to pray to God, in Jesus' name, and ask how he may want you to be involved in this movement - If at all? While there may be other ways for a person to be involved, there are three direct ways to be involved: in Prayer, Giving, and in Advocacy. If you would like to be involved in prayer, would you consider praying for 1 minute a day, or five minutes once a week for Biblical Christian Solutions In Government? Of course, if you would like, feel free to pray more – it is just a suggestion. Whether God leads you to be involved in any of these ways or not, we Thank You for your consideration, and we will pray generally that God works for his good in your life and the lives of each person who is involved in some way with this movement or visits the website.
List of Prayer Requests
Here is a list of prayer requests for those of you who are interested in praying.
Please pray boldly that God will provide finances and other resources as needed, that he will open doors in situations and relationships for Biblical Christian Solutions In Government, and that he will provide for other organizations, groups, and individuals involved in seeing government placed on the foundation of God's Law and word.
Please pray that God would provide needed resources so that we will be able to be effective
Please pray boldly that God works through us, convicts us, and enables us, including each person who will associate with Biblical Christian Solutions In Government, to grow in holiness, godliness, and in God's character as we pursue our common goals, as well as in life in general. Pray that we would be able to do this both out of love for God, for Jesus, but also so that we will be able to be effective and pleasing to him (Ephesians 5:10, Ephesians 4:30).
Please pray that God would give us favor in developing relationships with people who will see the value of
Advocating for Biblically shaped sound solutions through education
Advocating for Biblically shaped sound solutions through lobbying.
Actively seeking the service of those who would truly serve the people out of a true relationship with God through the Biblical Jesus; who see the world through the view of God's word; who seek God’s word as the authority for life – For real and not just lip service; and who truly recognize it as an honor to serve God, out of love for Him, by serving the people who form the Government of the United States of America (of the people, by the people, and for the people).
Please pray that God would provide people who choose to be involved in Biblical Christian Solutions In Government in the areas of Prayer, Giving, or Advocacy.
Please pray for good relationships with, and that God would work among, other organizations and ministries that are supportive, or are working for similar goals.
Please pray for genuine relationships, that will be mutually encouraging, and for fruitful friendships as we work together as an association of people to bring Biblically sound and fulfilling solutions to bear on society from God's word, and to advance God's plan and purpose.
Please pray that God would give us his direction, his divine wisdom, and that he would act on our behalf for his purpose and goodness and go before us, in further development of the association.
Pray that God would equip each of us with practical information to be fruitful in this movement - the association of those who make up Biblical Christian Solutions In Government - and beyond it.
Even though we are not at the point of recruiting candidates for office, Please pray that God will help provide his guidance, good information, and ability to develop this key area of the association. This area is the most crucial, and is our ultimate vision. Please pray that, in God, it will be effective. Please pray that God will raise up leaders who share his values from the Bible, will serve in public office with a Biblical Christian Worldview, and will develop sound Biblical solutions to government. Please pray that God would already be working before us, and that he would use us as well as others to accomplish his purpose in the world.
Please pray for the current projects of Biblical Christian Solutions In Government.
Please pray that God would move his arm to cease injustice in the lives of people who suffer because of policies and laws that are destructive, that encourage destructive behavior, that close the door for many to God's good news of forgiveness in Jesus Christ, and that close the door to understanding, cultural values, law, public policy, and solutions based on his word and purpose.
Please pray that God's Good News about forgiveness, redemption, and the opportunity to have a relationship with him through Jesus will advance among each ethnic group in the world in a way that is relevant and unhindered by cultural barriers – and would be presented with integrity from the Bible. (Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:18-20, Revelation 5:9) Please pray that Bible Translation would also move forward in the 2,700 ethnic groups that do not have a translation of the Bible in their heart language (the language they grew up with, they understand the best, and is most powerful to them). Pray that relevant churches of fellow followers of Jesus Christ would begin in ethnic groups where there are no relevant churches, no relevant congregations of followers. Please pray that God would raise up people for these tasks.
Please pray for leaders in government and the culture that have great influence. These people have influence - for good or bad - on society and the world. They can easily promote justice from God's word, or pervert and withhold justice. These influential leaders may include anyone from governmental leaders to school teachers, administrators, pastors, and parents.
Please pray for President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid, and George Soros, and others who seem to stand against a Biblical worldview in their lives and practices - that God would reveal himself to each of these, work in their hearts to enable them to see the world through his eyes, and to turn each toward him, his word, fulfillment, and away from the lives they currently lead against him. Pray they each experience his mercy, choose to trust him with their life, and will be obedient to God's word out of love for him.
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Undying Refusal To Accept What Is Abnormal
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